As everyone knows, a poll came out yesterday that showed me behind Ned Lamont 54-41. Well I'm going to treat that news like all the other bad news I get: I'll completely ignore it. Besides, the poll doesn't even matter any more because of what happened AFTER the poll was taken.
On Wednesday, blogger Jane Hamsher put up an article on the Huffington Post featuring a photoshopped picture of myself and Bill Clinton, with me in blackface. After the Lamont campaign found out about it, they told her to remove the picture, which she did. Then, she wrote an unapologetic apology that basically passed the buck for her actions. If you want to take a look at the photo in question, Jane was kind enough to still leave a copy on her website for everyone to see.
To spend all that time up in Connecticut supporting Ned Lamont, and then to unleash this racist taboo bombshell that totally worked in my! I can just imagine the conversation at Lamont HQ:
Tom Swan: Oh my GOD! Jane Hamsher just posted a photo of Lieberman in blackface!
Ned Lamont: Blackface? Are you fucking serious?!?
Tom Swan: Dead serious, boss. This is really going to hurt us.
Ned Lamont: Wow, with friends like these, who needs enemies?
Tom Swan: As your campaign manager, sir, I'd advise you to avoid using lame clichés like that.
Here's what it was like at Lieberman HQ:
Marion Steinfels: Did you see these new poll numbers? We're getting killed here!
Sexy Sean Smith: Wait! Jane Hamsher just posted a blackface pic of you, Joe!
Me: We're saved! Start hammering Lamont with this ASAP.
Sexy Sean Smith: Think she'll want to go out with me? She seems really dumb; we'd have that in common.
No Sean, I don't think she's dumb. You want to know why? Because I don't think this move was unintentional (nobody is THAT stupid). You see, I think Ms. Hamsher actually supports me. See, she used her mad Hollywood skillz to pretend to be a Lamont supporter, and get inside access to the campaign. Then, she posted that vile, disgusting graphic to make Lamont look bad by association. It totally gave me another avenue to attack Ned while avoiding the issues! And I'm not even paying her. She's too old to join the LieberYouth (WAY too old). I'm guessing she did it out of the goodness of her heart.
Let me also give a shoutout to Jane's photoshopping accomplice Darkblack (Darkblack! Haha I get it!). Tales of your handiwork that Jane posted have spread far and wide. Look at some of the media outlets that covered the story:
Stamford Advocate
Washington Post
New York Times
Hartford Courant
New York Sun
Wow Jane, you're really making a name for yourself. And all to benefit me. I salute you, Jane Hamsher. You're my hero!