Jimmy Carter is a Horrible Human Being

Jimmy Carter is evil. Evil right down to his cold black heart, which pumps not blood like yours and mine, but rather a thick, vominous fluid that clots in his pea-sized brain and is the cause of his Nazi-esque pattern of violent behavior. Don't let his Nobel Peace prize and that Habitat for Humanity schtick fool you.
And you wouldn't believe what he said about me! That wrinkly old peanut farmer had the gall to say this on Larry King Live:
He’s been strongly in favor of the Iraqi war from the very beginning. He was one of the originators of the public statements that misled the American people into believing that the Iraqi war was justified. He’s been an undeviating supporter of the war from the very beginning and still is. He’s joined in with the Republican spokespersons by saying that Democrats who disagree are really supporting terrorism. So for all these reasons I’ve lost my confidence in Joe Lieberman and don’t wish to see him re-elected.
Watch the video here. What an asshole! I'm never eating peanuts again.
Lieberman is a liar. See the video here.
I know what you mean joe. This lily livered old liberal has been really discusting, and has absolutely no understanding of Republican politics. This is the New American Century and whatever it takes to promote Democracy is perfectly allright. Keepem guessing Joe, They'll never guess that you are really promoting the Neoconservative agenda...
Way to go joe. I love you...hell everybody loves you. We are overjoyed that you are a Democrat, because in your position, you could be dangerous. You've certainly got your bases covered, with the possible exception of the Communist party...
Why dont you friggin Liberals get a clue and get a life.
Keith and Petey Crane and their treason like behavior must be stopped at all cost.
You Liberals should stop the whining your BOY LAMONT LOST so get over it and Lets get on with the WAR.
Why didn't you run as a liberal Joe? Independent don't fit you...dependent on the Neoconservatives, dependent on JINSA, and kissing Dubya...yuck*
Yet you're no longer a Republican, and were never really a Democrat.
Maybe you should start the Oppertunity party...lol
Have good dejavu...
lieberman sucks. he is is pro Is
rael it is pathetic
Jimmy Carter? What the hell does he know about war, making all that peace all over the place. Sheesh.
Lieberman will burn in hell!
Check out this site - http://www.connecticutforlieberman.com/
An anti-lieberman guy owns the domain name now.
It's hilarious. :P
Lieberman is quite the sore loser, considering he ran as a Democrat against Ned Lamont, lost, and decided that the people who vote don't matter, and therefore ran as an Independent. He's a crock and oddly enough a crook. Such a terrible human being.
"Lieberman is quite the sore loser, considering he ran as a Democrat against Ned Lamont, lost, and decided that the people who vote don't matter, and therefore ran as an Independent. He's a crock and oddly enough a crook. Such a terrible human being."
Wow, the irony of that is he WON the general election by a huge margin.
Get over it Lamont supporters. You lost. Lieberman will retire in six years and you will have nothing to be angry about any more, so just relax. I love how he is a "liar". If he is such a liar why doesn't he just go with the flow and vote for "nonbinding resolutions" and other toothless measures to take the heat off for supporting the war.
Truth of the matter is that the democrats, in general, are doing little to end the war. They certainly are not pulling out the troops.
Why people feel the need to open up sites like this is beyond me. Lieberman won the election fair, square and legal. Lamont did not have the votes in the general election-- you want to piss and moan about how lieberman "stole" the republican vote? Seriously, it was a novel strategy, but running as an independant is not unheard of and certainly not illegal.
The lesson for most of you should be that CT voters are more moderate than you thought. In the next election, find someone with more moderate views and more qualifications than Ned Lamont.
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