They're trying to cancel Joey!

New Haven Independent:
A day after U.S. Sen. Joe Lieberman declared himself a "devoted Democrat" on national TV, peace activists in his hometown of New Haven asked the local registrar of voters Monday afternoon to strip him of his party affiliation because of his third-party reelection bid against party-endorsed Ned Lamont.
Some two dozen activists, camera crews and reporters squeezed into the narrow entry to the second-floor Registrar of Voters office to present their request to Ferrucci. Ferrucci said she wasn't familiar with the law. In a friendly encounter with the surprise crowd in her office, Ferrucci promised, "I will read it and get back to you" within 48 hours or sooner.
The activists cited Section 9-61 of Chapter 143 of the state statutes in their request. That section allows for a Democrat's party affiliation to be "stricken or excluded" for two years if he runs for office as a candidate of a different party.
Peace activists, huh? Someone should take these people out to the parking lot and kick their asses. Nobody cancels Joe Lieberman's membership in the Democratic Party but Joe Lieberman!
P.S. That show "Joey" is really great. It's probably one of the best sitcoms ever! I watch it all the time; it's way better than "Friends" ever was. Better name, too. I hope it stays on the air forever.
Congrats on the endorsement from Newt Gingrich
Congratulations on the congrats of the endoesement from Nuet
Congrats on the congratulations on the cograts of the endorsement from Nuet.
Well, I had to come back. It is now June 16, 2008, and Lieberman is still
stumping for Cheney. Haven't heard much from the Grinch...G:
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