Sunday, July 30, 2006

Supporting Our President

Four More Years!
From the Hartford Courant:

In Ansonia, Dorothy Bivens held a Lieberman sign on the sidewalk. A Mobile, Ala., resident visiting her daughter, Bivens seemed overcome when Lieberman stopped, shook her hand and thanked her for helping him on her vacation.

"I love Joe Lieberman," she said.

Asked why, her answer did not come from the day's suggested talking points: "Because he supports the president, and I support the president."

I'd like to personally thank Dorothy Bivens for her support. If enough people like her come out to the polls and vote for me on August 8th, then I can continue to support President Bush and his designated successor for the next six years in the US Senate.


Blogger Johnny Pez said...

Joe, it's a darned shame that Mrs. Bivens is from out of state, and so is ineligible to vote for you. Maybe instead of switching parties, you should just switch states. I'm sure you'd be much more popular in Alabama than in Connecticut.

10:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Instead of merely disassociating yourself with your political party, why shouldn't Joe just take care of the whole problem and run for a seat in the Knesset? I trust they would welcome a treasonous toad like Joe Lieberman with open "arms".

10:22 AM  

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